#6 Don't Limit Yourself Jan 18, 2015

Around this time of year, I really enjoy going to the movies to see films that are nominated for...

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#5 One Powerful Word Jan 05, 2015

A very dear teacher friend of mine shared this fabulous idea with me a few years ago. It was to...

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#4 New Year, New Beginnings Jan 01, 2015

Happy and Healthy New Year to you all! May 2015 bring you much peace, comfort, and joy.


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#3 Jenn's Top 10 List For What to Do When Hearing You Have Cancer Dec 28, 2014

  1. Do not read anything online

Looking up information online requires much more than just...

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#2 Support System...Family and Friends Oct 05, 2014

Every person managing adversity should be fortunate enough to be surrounded by compassionate and...

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#1 Dickens Had It Backwards Sep 13, 2014

It was the worst of times, it was the best of times.  As crazy as it may sound, battling...

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